Norman Fischer
poet, author, and Zen Buddhist teacher and priest

Norman Fischer is a poet, author, and Zen Buddhist teacher and priest. A graduate of the Iowa Writer’s Workshop, he has been publishing poetry since 1979. He is the author of seventeen books of poetry, six books of prose on Zen and religion, as well as numerous articles and essays. His most recent publication, Experience: Thinking, Writing, Language, and Religion, is a long-awaited collection of his essays about experimental writing as spiritual practice.
About Their Work:
In a mediated ecosystem oversaturated with declaratives, Norman's poems are simply about, but not simple. They do not mean, by that to say average out, some stock experience, meander in some past, reduced in "metaphor … like a dancer standing on a black spot. " "[I]t gets, like they say, complicated," "all misleading, even misguided," spontaneous, thinking in present, tense "kicking both feet and falling down in conclusion." It's more apt to say these poems practice, meditate. In silence, in repetition, emerges all the "multitudinous things/beginning unborn, unwise, unwashed, and unwished for" "& the music swamps it — what holds you in it/Some song sung together then even when we do not hear it."
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Books (for purchase):
Men in Suits: A Poem (Dec 9, 2022 BlazeVOX)
Selected Poems 1980-2013 (Jan 12, 2022 Chax Press)
The Museum of Capitalism (Oct 15, 2021 Talisman House Publishers)
There was a clattering as... (Apr 15, 2021 Lavender Ink)
Nature (Feb 22, 2021 Tuumba Press)
Untitled Series: Life As It Is (May 1, 2018 Talisman House Publishers)
On a Train at Night (Apr 11, 2018 Presses Universitaires de Rouen)
any would be if (tanka) (Jan 9, 2017 Chax Press)
Magnolias All At Once (Aug 15, 2015 Singing Horse Press)
Escape this Crazy Life of Tears (Japan, July 2010) (Aug 1, 2014TinFish Press)
The Strugglers (Jan 10, 2013 Singing Horse Press)
Conflict (Jan 31, 2012 Chax Press)
Questions/Places/Voices/Seasons (Aug 1, 2009 Singing Horse Press)
Charlotte’s Way (Jan 1, 2008 TinFish Press)
I Was Blown Back (Jan 1, 2005 Singing Horse Press)
Slowly but Dearly (Jan 1, 2004 Chax Press)
Opening to You: Zen-Inspired Translations of the Psalms (Feb 18, 2002 Penguin Books)
Success: A Poem (Jan 1, 2000 Singing Horse Press)
The Narrow Roads of Japan (Jan 1, 1998 Ex Nihilo Press)
Precisely the Point Being Made: A Book of Poems (Oct 1, 1993 O Books, Chax Press)
Online Work:
Caesura: POETRY: NORMAN FISCHER (Nov 11, 2021)
9 Poems, by Norman Fischer (Feb 9, 2018 Dispatches)
The Last Thing to Go (Jan 25, 2015 Talisman)
Lets do some philosophy now to music (Jan 25, 2015 Talisman)
Beyond Language? (Jun 20, 2011 Tricycle)
Light(silence)word (Jan 1, 2010 Radical Poetics and Secular Jewish Culture)
Are You Writing? (Mar 1, 2007 Buddhadharma / Shambhala Sun )
Saved From Freezing: Spiritual Practice, Art Practice (Feb 1, 2005 Tricycle)
Bewilderment (Jun 1, 2004 Dharma Life)
Do You Want To Make Something Out of It?: Zen meditation and the artistic impulse (Sep 1, 2001 GIA Reader)
Philip Whalen’s ‘Overtime’ (Apr 1, 2000 Jacket)
Uncollected Essays
Essays in Buddhadharma and Shambhala Sun at Lions Roar (May 20, 2015 Buddhadharma / Shambhala Sun)
A note on the visual poetry of Whalen, Grenier, and Lazer (May 23, 2014 Jacket2)
Essays in Tricycle (Jun 2, 2011 Tricycle)
Essays in The Sun Magazine (Apr 2, 2007 The Sun Magazine)
Read for Margin Shift:
May 09, 2023