Dion O'Reilly
Poet, Podcaster

Dion O'Reilly's debut collection, Ghost Dogs, was runner-up for The Catamaran Prize and honorable mention for several awards, including The Eric Hoffer Award. Her second book Sadness of the Apex Predator was published by the University of Wisconsin's Cornerstone Press in February, 2024. She facilitates workshops, hosts a podcast at The Hive Poetry Collective, and is a reader for Catamaran Literary Quarterly. She splits her time between a ranch in the Santa Cruz Mountains and a residence in Bellingham, Washington.
About Their Work:
With vivid and gritty imagery and blunt awareness, Dion O’Reilly’s poems push past the standard clichéd “mess in the papers, the endless /scroll of rapists and dead turtles,” the constant doom feed churning out like after mindless like. Instead, the speakers in these poems are ”Always looking for something. /Answer keys. Antidepressants” not ideas, per say, but a whole sensorious feeling body working its way “Deep through the heart/ with a muscled neck” to “the open throat of desire/the tapped vein” pumping line after line singing “hallelujah to this great/emptiness” peeling the skin back ”into an ecstatic revelation only “the lyric moment can unfold, which is a place to be new again, in love with the world.”
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