Deborah Woodard
poet, translator, teacher at Richard Hugo House, Curator at MarginShift: friends in poetry

Deborah Woodard holds an MFA from the University of California, Irvine, and a PhD from the University of Washington. She is the author of Plato's Bad Horse (Bear Star Press, 2006), Borrowed Tales (Stockport Flats, 2012), and No Finis: Triangle Testimonies, 1911 (Ravenna Press, 2018). Her chapbook Hunter Mnemonics (hemel press, 2008) was illustrated by artist Heide Hinrichs. She has translated Amelia Rosselli with Giuseppe Leporace in The Dragonfly: A Selection of Poems: 1953 - 1981 (Chelsea Editions, 2009) and with Roberta Antognini in Hospital Series (New Directions, 2015) and Obtuse Diary (Entre Ríos Books, 2018). Woodard teaches at Hugo House in Seattle and co-curates the reading series Margin Shift.
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Books (for purchase):
Plato’s Bad Horse (Bear Star Press, 2006)
Borrowed Tales (Stockport Flats, 2012)
No Finis: Triangle Testimonies, 1911 (Ravenna Press, 2018)
Hunter Mnemonics (hemel press, 2008)
The Dragonfly: A Selection of Poems: 1953– 1981 (Chelsea Editions, 2009)
Hospital Series (New Directions, 2015)
Obtuse Diary (Entre Ríos Books, 2018),
The Dragonfly (Entre Rios Books, 2023)
Notes Scattered and Lost (Entre Rios Books, forthcoming 2024)
Online Work:
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