
CAConrad has been working with the ancient technologies of poetry and ritual since 1975. Their latest books are Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return (Wave Books, 2024) and AMANDA PARADISE: Resurrect Extinct Vibration (Wave Books, 2021). The Book of Frank is now available in nine different languages. Other titles include While Standing in Line for Death, ECODEVIANCE: (Soma)tic for the Future Wilderness, and A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon: New (Soma)tics. They received the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, the PEN Josephine Miles Award, and also a Creative Capital grant, a Pew Fellowship, a Lambda Literary Award, and a Believer Magazine Book Award. With Robert Dewhurst and Joshua Beckman, they co-edited Supplication: Selected Poems of John Wieners. They exhibit poems as art objects with recent solo shows in Tucson, Arizona, as well as in Spain and Portugal. They teach at the Sandberg Art Institute and De Ateliers, both in Amsterdam. Please visit them online at
Author photo by Augusto Cascales
About Their Work:
In the apothecary of CA Conrad’s Mountain Throat Temple , poems are not tradable commodity goods but fleshy residue of repetitive learning “how to climb out of these factory-like structures”, these cocoons of conventionalized predictable suffering we called modern (human) life. CA opts instead to work with more ancient technologies – the body and the blood – in surreal rituals aimed at awakening the paleolithic memories stored in “flesh, be it human or of other animals on the prairie, by the bay, in the city, or incarcerated in prisons or zoos.” Whether they are communing with the dead in the morgue of a refrigerated grocery aisle or absorbing the vibrations of field recordings of recently extinct species, CA’s actions become prayers to the Earth, hastening the pressurized release of an “extreme present” where the “furniture of future wastelands open to us” and “the unexpected inserts itself” and we can” fall in love with the/world as it is” a vibrant place “we didn’t think/we could open/up like"the fractal/drop to hear/our own/harmonics/in the muffled/underground/hum of seeds."
Follow On:
IG: @caconrad88
CA's linktree
Books (for purchase):
Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return (Wave Books, 2024) AMANDA PARADISE: Resurrect Extinct Vibration (Wave Books, 2021).
The Book of Frank is now available in nine different languages.
Other titles include While Standing in Line for Death, ECODEVIANCE: (Soma)tic for the Future Wilderness, and A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon: New (Soma)tics.
Online Work:
CAConrad's bio and poems as sculpture
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